In this lesson with Mr Rosen we were told to be put into groups and film a short movie scene consisting of as much camera techniques and skills that we have learnt. It had to take place on the Burghley school grounds and we had 40 minutes to complete this exercise then upload it on the macs. Before getting practical, me and my group [Eleona and Sam] drew out parts of the scene on the storyboard and also discussed the story line for roughly 5 minutes then we started filming. We had to cut and do a few takes due to people appearing in the frame and such but apart from that, the trailer came out okay.
When we watched each others trailers as a class on 09/07/10, we were given both positive and negative criticism from the class and Mr Rosen. There were many things that could have been done differently whilst filming.
This also made each individual realise how much work we are going to have to do in order to make a successful trailer. It was a good advantage that we did this work now with helpful advice from Mr Rosen so we ourselves could practice more over the holidays
Evaluation key Points:
- To study the use of shot types in consideration of filming
- Use a different storyline, which could be seen as a Unique Selling Point
- Make more use of media technology i.e. iMovie
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